Sunday, March 12, 2006


We’ve had a rather lazy Sunday. Chapel went well. Stacia DID make her presence known. First, chatty away with Mike when he began to speak as if they were the only two in the room. He looked at her after a bit and said, “Yes, Stacia” and she quieted down. THEN later in the cry room (non-sound proofed room separated from sanctuary by glass window) she howled her displeasure at waiting for her meal and I’m told all in the service could hear her.

We had several options for the afternoon but settled on lazing around home. Mike played some games with Arielle, Nolan and Zander. The older boys played computer games and read. We made ice cream. Nothing big or fantastic.

If I don’t discover any hidden fees or regulations when I call Shop Natural tomorrow, I will be organizing a food co-op. We’ve spent some time trying to figure out what we want to do with this. When we ran the produce co-op we got free produce for our family. We don’t think we want to make $ on this endeavor…mainly we want enough people doing this that we can all buy our groceries at member prices. We ARE trying to think of all the hidden costs as we don’t want to end up LOSING money either. We’re trying to come up with a catchy name. We had some friends whose last name were Rath who set themselves up as *Raths of God* but *Pickles of God* or *Gherkins for God* just doesn’t have the same ring. We’ve though of acronyms….GASEOUS …but really we aren’t coming up with any good ideas. I suppose we could do what most do “co-op” and just put the account in our personal name – but that doesn’t sound like fun. We welcome all suggestions. {G}

The gentleman who allows his son to play with guns on a playground called today. Mike had faxed him two more estimates to fix our van. We told him we’d go with the lowest estimate. He said he didn’t have the $. We told him we’d take whatever he can send this week and then monthly payments that he can afford each month until he’s paid for it. We’ll send him a receipt because he wants to be sure we fix it! We’ll pay the difference between the lowest offer and the offer from the reputable place.

That’s our day. Next week is spring break around here. We don’t plan to take the week off of school. Josiah is scheduled to work 30 hours – which probably means 35 as he always gets extra time when they close. We may not get a full week of school done. We’ll see.

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