Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Morning's Random Musings

7.2 miles goal is 50 a week so I'll try to get a short 3 mile ride in this evening. I spent some time this a.m. preparing for Tuesday night's study so I don't feel to bad about the shorter ride. I guess Monday and Tuesday will be like that and I'll make it up at the end of the week.

I forced myself to do roller coaster hill again and even let loose with the scream today.....even stood UP once but then reminded myself of Jamin's demise and sat firmly down. {G} I made it all the way up the "hill" that I had to walk up last Friday. It wasn't pretty but I did it. And though I only made 7 miles today I noted that my mph was up to 10.2 from 8.2 so that's advancement too. I found another reason to be thankful for living in TX today. In Eagle River I we had huge hills to ride up and down - very few flat spots to ride a bike in. I would never be able to do 7 miles a day in Eagle River.....I had to bus my bike to flat trails to ride. {G}

Still pedaling and praying. Spent time this a.m. praying through all the changes in the Air Force that I see and that others are starting to call and email about. Interesting days ahead....but I believe God has called men and women to the Air Force in general, and the chaplaincy in particular, "for such a time as this." If ever there was a time for godly men and women with a heart for ministry to be in the chaplaincy - this is it.

I also thought about a paradox. As wives we so often begin to rag on our husbands about "preceived" imperfections in their perspective or actions. "You aren't home enough", "Your priorities are skewed", "the children need more time with you", "You never take me out", "you need to spend time mentoring our children like Mergatroid does his", "You worry to much", "You don't worry enough"....blah blah blah. Months ago when I was in a funk and praying for Mike in one area, God told me quite clearly to "SHUT UP so that Mike can hear MY voice on this issue." It became quite obvious that my constant comments were capable of drowing out God's still small voice in my husband's life. As I was pedalling and praying to be a better helper to Mike this a.m. those thoughts returned. I've done better; but it is so easy to begin to think, "Ok God, I've shut up for several weeks now, maybe just a small reminder from ME is in order." :::snort::: Men (like women) like to spend their times where they feel successful. If we are constantly reminding them of all the ways they could improve in their role as husband and father they are likely not to feel successful at home. It is only natural they would begin to avoid that role. If not careful we can find ourselves in the position of the unwise woman of Proverbs who is tearing down her home with her OWN hands. May it never be. May we partner with God to support and uphold our husbands. May we be wise women who build our homes on God's foundations.

I have no doubt that given another 3 miles I would have gotten very profound but my riding time was up and thus that's as far as my thoughts and prayers went.

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