Friday, August 11, 2006

Our Family Fun....

Thought I'd check the blog to see if Becky and Ian have a new little one in their home.....I typed and there was a BABY....but it was a grace....and then I scrolled down and figured out it was a different family fun!

If you read this - I'm praying for the end of your classes, smooth details as Ian seperates and a wonderfully blessed labor and delivery.......but you can wait until I get home if you want. LOL


becky.onelittle said...

No baby yet. I'm hanging on till you get home, and till after my finals (Monday and Wednesday). The baby had dropped last week, but my midwife went to check if the baby was breech and he shot out of my pelvis and into my ribs. I haven't had a contraction since. So, we may have a little while to wait.

becky.onelittle said...

Oh, thank you so much for your prayers. This has been such a peaceful week and I had thought it would be overly stressful!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yeah - keep waiting of us Baby.....