Thursday, December 07, 2006

*Dinosaurs by Design by Duane T Gish* this is Zander's FAVORITE book. It's been around for 11 years....I really need to see if there are any other great new dino books written from a Christian/creationist perspective.

This is not a 4 year old book. This is not a story book. This is full of facts and he loves it. It's held togehter with packing tape.

He is ready for another few pages of it.....and now I have 37 minutes of the day left.


becky.onelittle said...

We have a book by the same author in storage.. can't remember the name. We also just saw an Answers in Genesis presentation at a church we visited. They had a HUGE selection of kid's stuff. We bought a book on the ice age (who ever has a resource on that?), but there was lots of stuff for early grade school kids. Coloring/activity and fact books, as well as small unit studies and a spiral bound zoo book with a biblical perspective & fun facts/ideas on each animal you might encounter at the zoo. They had a lot of movies too.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks, Becky. I'm going to go online and see what I find. This poor Dino book is falling apart at the seams....and the pages are very brittle. I guess books don't last forever these days. LOL