Monday, December 11, 2006

NATIVITIES (joint narration - comments like 'what year was that again?' were omitted. LOL )

In 1223, St. Francis of Assisi was the first person to stage a “nativity”. He used live animals & people.

God waited to give His gift for the right time, like we have to wait to open gifts until Christmas.

God did give hints about the gift He was going to give. These hints are called prophecies. A nativity reminds us of many of God’s hints….born in Bethlehem, in a stable, Mary and Joseph
remind us that the messiah would come from David’s family, wise men from the East brought
gifts, and the baby Himself.

(Always fun to see what the children will pick out to dictate to me. I instantly know if I've managed to get the point across. LOL I loaned my Jesse Tree devotional book out so didn't have a list of prophecies handy to discuss with the nativity - but I THINK we did enough to get the young ones started thinking....)


Anonymous said...

Hi De'Etta,

I posted the almond biscotti recipe on my blog. It is actually Ginger's recipe. It's SO good. No, it isn't in my cookie file. I should probably upload all my new recipes, eh?

~Kelly...hopefully DONE with cookies! I made 23 kinds YIKES! I do need to make fudge. Thursday...and then I can rest??

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes....there should be a rule about this "If Kelly wishes to remain a member in good standing on SHS she MUST post her new cookie recipes after her holiday baking...each and every year she desires to remain a member in good standing....forever and anon. Amen." That should cover it.

I've been thinking about fudge. I've been wondering if I can make it.....with honey or sucanat or rapadura or if I should just buy some....I've got to do the cheeseckae this week....

Anonymous said...

Sis: From what I can see and read... they are getting the points real well and learning a lot.