Tuesday, December 05, 2006

After our reading of "Tabitha's Travels" tonight (thanks again Debbie!), I set to baking a healthy chocolate cake. I sure hope the children like it - their anticipation is high. Arielle had been holding Stacia during Tabitha and told me she thought that Stacia needed another 5 minutes or so to sit before we moved her. I went to get the cake in the oven and came back to this "Kodiak" moment.


Anonymous said...

I sure am missing a lot. Glad I am not missing all of it. Thanks for keeping the blog up. It is my lifeline to the home.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet image


Anonymous said...

Sis: Now if that isn't the most precious thing. I'm sure that is going to become one of the favorite fotos in your family.

Nothing new here.


Debbie said...

How precious! Nothing like sisters.

Cynthia said...

That sounds like a line I used to use when my little ones were still little! CUTE PIC!

Lisa in Jax said...

What a beautiful picture! Love your girls enjoying some quiet time together.