Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The day began with several long distance calls. An exciting one was from my friend Julie, whose twin boys have responded to a work of grace in their lives and asked Jesus to be their savior. What an EXCITING way to begin celebrating ADVENT...the coming of Jesus into our daily lives.

Since couch school had been delayed so long, I bundled Nolan and Stacia up, and we headed for the base. We picked up more toys and ran an errand for Mike.

Back at home we did some couch school in the afternoon. We continue to enjoy TOG - but *I* am missing our typical Christmas School schedule. I really think it is best for us to continue. Yes, we can school year round, but Josiah is graduating in May and so school must reach some sort of conclusion for him on schedule. LOL We want to be able to enjoy guilt free time with Mike when he comes home...so we'll persevere. We may take off when the public school children do....I'll have to check and see when that is. I'll probably break with Arielle and Nolan and give the boys the option. They are fairly driven. Jamin asked me yesterday if I could find more school for him. Yikes.

I paid for six pages of Jamin's book to be critiqued by Christian Writer's Guild (Jerry Jenkins group). He worked so hard to get his sample below 1500 words. It was cheaper if it was below 5 pages (1500 words). He had 6 pages but our computer counter showed 1491 for a word count. They charged us twice the amount for 6 pages. I called them and she had it pulled up on her computer her count was 1890 words.....so we couldn't argue, since it was SIX pages on our computer. This could explain the comments he keeps getting from his writing mentor about word counts. I have no idea how or what to fix to get the word count to be accurate. LOL

Shop Natural (TCW) co-op was last night. A HUGE thank you to Heather, who came early and helped us sort. Things went fairly well. We had 3 of the wrong bags of chips - someone ordered black bean and we got "salt and cracked pepper" and we had an extra box of "organic" co-co puffs". I decided it was simpler to keep the items than mess with getting the credit. It took me THREE MONTHS to get the credit for a bag of wheat that we had to send back. ::snort:: Nolan and Zander were thrilled to try a new food - co-co puffs. Arielle said it looked like DOG FOOD - but that didn't deter them in the least. Krista loves all manner of chips and if no one wants to eat them we'll send them back with her to WA.

Stacia fell asleep in the sling for about an hour during co-op. The end result is that she was up most the night. I think her ear was hurting her....the stinker wanted me to STAND with her...not sit or sleep.....finally I simply set down and let her scream. Sunday night was great - we both went to bed at 7 p.m. and woke up at 7 a.m. I needed that. It beat last nights down at 4:30 a.m. and up at 6:00 a.m. I'm ready for teething and colds to be gone!!!! The other children all seem fine.

I picked up the sign up sheet for the Ladies Tea. Numbers are way down this year...there are only 8 signed up and two of them are Arielle and I. I'm thinking it would be far easier to have the tea here than at the chapel. I have the house decorated, I wouldn't have to transport decorations or china....I could set things out while the children played.....I only need to figure something out for Jamin, Jared, Nolan and Zander. Josiah would take them bowling, to the movie or Mr Gatti's, but he is working. We'll see. There has to be a good solution.

Jamin came in and asked me to go take a nap. It's not even 8:30 a.m. !!! I told him that if I lay down I won't be able to sleep anyway....my mind will be whirling about school and such. I promised to try to take a nap this afternoon. Goodness....am I getting to old to mother a big family? I seem to be taking lots of naps this month...and I'm certain I'm NOT pregnant. ::snort::


Lisa in Jax said...

LOL O.k. I want your son. I would be grateful for a nap at anytime lately. Of course, I am pregnant and if I weren't then I'd be thinking how old does this guy think I am?lolol

I also have a teether right now. Isaac is getting his 2year molars early and he's been in the "pick me up but don't hold me" phase all week. He also bit Allison at the grocery store yesterday.lol

Congrats to your friend Julie!

Debbie said...

Gosh...you think it might be the little one that keeps you up so many nights that is making you tired?

Take your nap!

Jodi said...

I say if someone offers you a nap don't worry about their opinion of your age just go for it. Besides to our kids we ARE old, even though we are all in truth quite young. LOL

I would definitely have the tea at your house if the numbers stay low, soooo much easier and you are busy, busy from the sounds of it.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for moving the hearts of Julie's twins! Delighted for all!

Kristine said...

My dd loves to read Jerry Jenkins books for youngers. He lives close by, and we finally drove by his house a few weeks back. He owns two adjoining lots, and his driveway is the only one in a dirt culdesac. Of course, we pull into the culdesac not knowing this, and someone pulled out of his driveway at the same time! I'm trying hard to act casual, pulling around in the dirt road, all the while practically shouting at dd, "Is it him? Is it him?" It wasn't, but it was neat to imagine him writing there. Dh wasn't pleased. We drove a mile or so down various dirt roads shortly after a snow. The mud wasn't pretty on my van!

Anonymous said...

Jamin "My Man"

You are one awsome young man. Thanks from your 2G's for taking such good care of our one and only girl.

Love you and proud of you for all the things you do.

Anonymous said...

I say take a nap when you can! I can never figure out how you can function off of 2 hours of sleep several nights in a row...I'd be a total zombie!

Jen in Az.