Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The computer is dead! It is apparently NOT the hard drive but the CPU. I'm not sure what I do from here. I'm being told that any CPU over 3 years old that goes out should be replaced. THIS is one of our NEW computers. MY computer - the one that died is 3 - 4 times that age. I'll figure it out later.

We began our study on the book of Ruth tonight. I think this is going to be a fun study. I'm always amazed to hear the different ideas and impressions that we all bring to the table. For instance I thought Ruth was a loyal friend and someone else mentioned she was a follower....I thought Naomi was broken and someone else was struck with the idea that she was a schemer. It will be fun to see how ideas develop as the study progresses. As always it was difficult for me not to "spill the beans" about some of the fun discoveries in store for us - but that would rob the ladies of their own "a-ha" moments.

Oy vey! I've been training my girls wrong all these years. I've painstakingly taught them not to settle for anything less than a true gentlemen, like their Dad. I've told them to let the men pursue them. I was struck tonight with the fact that RUTH pursued Boaz. She proposed marriage to that man. I think I got this wrong. Maybe I should have been teaching them to "get a guy in your sites and MAKE IT HAPPEN!" ::snort:: OK - we had better applications than THAT one, but this is the one that has me chuckling. Giggling is good.

The van is still full of boxes. I really need to make it to the recycling center before we all have to go somewhere at the same time. ::snort::

I've been debating about joining Weight Watchers. Debbie, one of the dietitians on base, has emailed with me about this. I'm still not sure what I'll do. She is willing for me to continue on with her. I really "know it all" - don't we ALL????? ::snort:: I'm needing some sort of support system to continue eating because frankly....I'd rather quit counting calories and quit trying to eat 1200 a day. I'd rather eat what I want and who really cares if it is 600 or 800 calories? I was glad that Debbie said "for me" she thinks I should go ahead and count calories for all those "free veggies" they give everyone. That will add another 100 calories or so a day. ::snort::

That's about it for exciting news.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the computer...Any chance it's still under warranty? I called eMachines today and they said the warranty expired, but they'd provide tech support for $20, though, they told me upfront they couldn't help w/my current problem...A bargain, but I declined and am choosing to reinstall programs on the new hd to access the data gh transferred from the "lost in Windows" hd...I'm convinced computers are the modern day money pit! {G -(growl/giggle-grin/Getting back to God!)}

Ruth...Been on my mind lately...think I'll review my PUP study of it...Wish I could come study it again w/your group...so much good food for thought-Love Jesus as my kinsman redeemer!

Renee said...

I think you should count the veggie calories. You eat so many I bet there are more calories there than you think.....I would say for one week keep track of your normal intake and count up all the calories... I bet you are probably closer to the 1200 then you think

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Renee - I'm going to do just that. I've been counting fruit and I haven't had the starchy veggies (potatoes and sweet potatoes, corn)....but I'm going to count those calories for the lettuce and such. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Darshia - yes, I loved the way Precept studied Ruth. We're using the Nav Press LifeChange series.

Cynthia said...

So... are you going to give your dds your new information on guys? (LOL). My dh will tell you that's how he ended up with me >VBG>...