Sunday, March 25, 2007


We have had a lazy day. We went to lunch at Cheddars....where they tried to sit 9 of us at a table that would comfortably sit 6. Then we went to a graduation meeting for Josiah. Next was bringing the trailer home to get ready for our next outing. I helped Mike finish unpacking. Mostly, I've been reading Jamin's book. I'm really enjoying it. In fact, we are probably going to make it our next family read aloud. We'll see. We've had fun discussions about some of the characters and such in the book. We tried to guess who of our friends and family show up in the book. ::snort::


Anonymous said...


Kinda sounds like our day but with only the two of us. :) When do we get to read Jamin's book.

Where will you all be going on your next trip out. A nice long week.

Sounds like a lot of fun.


all in the family said...

I figured this was the best place to reach you. I remember you talking about different bible studies at one time on SHS. What do you recommend for a 13 yo ds, advanced level? We have been going through the OT right now so a study in the NT would be great!
Beth in GA