Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friday Highlights:

Produce co-op - how can two little words take up such a major part of a day? Do they communicate the fun, the friendships, the yummy fruit?????

Mike had the day off. We got a call that one of our chaplains was at the ER. For a bit of time it looked like there may be surgery. This led to discussions on the fact that lately one of the staff or family member's seems to end up in the ER on every day off Mike has, therefore, Mike should fore go days off for the foreseeable future. Ch. B turns out not to need surgery and is home with meds and such.

We took the children swimming. Jamin worked last night; Josiah had the night off.

Bre called. Krista and Nicholas have been at high school camp all week. They reported SIX new students interested in starting Master's next year. Bre leaves today for Jr. High camp.

I'd forgotten to prep for pizzas - Jamin's done that so many months. We had to order Papa John's - oh the shame. ::snort::

We watched a netflix movie and an episode of Hogan's Heroes and Red Green.


Linda said...

Oh how I miss a produce co-op! I spend so much money on produce now...I loved spending less than $25 every two weeks and getting FRESH, YUMMY produce...and huge tote filled with local stuff.

guess I could hie myself down to the farmer's market....but it's not the same!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I DO feel your pain, Linda. When we were traveling our grocery budget really missed the co-op. LOL

Michelle said...

De'Etta, how did you go about finding a distributor? I've been talking to a couple of long time residents and they said there was one in this area but not anymore. I'd like to get one started but don't know where to start. Advice? Suggestions?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


In San Antonio there was a produce terminal with many different distributors. I used the one that had a reputation for working well with small co-ops.

HERE - we contacted the store that had the best produce. We talked to the produce manager and asked if he would be willing to give deals if produce was bought by the case. He was. We did a few a week to check out quality. Then talked to him about us order a LOT more....and went from there. I like this way much better. I call the order in on Wed. They order fresh for us on Thursday and it gets in Friday a.m. We get it before it goes out on the floor - for the most part. I arrive and it's on a pallet, I pay, they load it and that's that....simple.

Cynthia said...

I remember how much time the co-op used to take that I ran.. but it was a lot of fun and I do miss the fresh produce! Not enough to try organizing one again though (LOL).

Kathy in WA said...

De'Etta - I love hearing all about your produce co-op. It sounds like such a wonderful (and yet time consuming) project. My family would love it. My dh would love saving the money. Was it very difficult approaching the store manager? How many families do you need at the start to make it worth while (for the store)?


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


At the beginning we simply asked if he would give a discount for produce purchased by the case. Adrienne made this contact. When we thought we'd like to invite others to join us we asked about more volume. He loves it. Before our vacation we were up to $700 a week - he loved it. He is SURE he can order that produce and it will MOVE and we get a discount.

We could get a BIGGER discount if we bought from a produce wholesaler - but we like the ease of this and the quality of the produce.

The last few weeks we've had 11 and 12 shares....almost 2/3 lower than usual. It's more difficult...we don't get a VARIETY but we are getting lots of stapes. I found 24 to be about perfect. LOL
