Sunday, August 12, 2007

Spectacular Sunday
Quote of the Day: "If a man twists his head" (looks both ways), "that means the ghost is clear" (coast is clear).

Traditional Service.....I ducked out of church early to set up for the after church fellowship. A nice time to visit - lots of new folks coming in.

We raced home and dropped off children, picked up a change of clothes, and then Michael, Jared, and I headed back to base.

Gospel Service. Our chaplain candidate preached and it was great. She also preached in the traditional service...but I missed her as I was setting up for fellowship. I was glad to catch her the second time around. ::snort::

At 4 p.m. Josiah met us at the bowling ally with all the other children. Our chaplain candidate and the Hardings met us there too. Debbie and I realized that once again Arielle was the only girl....but there wasn't much we could do about it right then.

We migrated to DQ after bowling...where we took up 3 booths....
Got home to messages from Krista, Shop Natural truck driver and Don and Beth. I fell asleep while Michael was still talking to Krista. ::snort::

Full day...


Debbie said...

What a full day! Sounds terrific.

Deja said...

Sounds fun. I went to HEB in the afternoon...and then needed a nap after my big outing! Feel free to borrow Emma anytime so that Arielle isn't the only girl LOL.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh Deja - I need to remember this!!!! I will be making liberal use of Emma..but soon your wild and wooly fall school schedule will begin.... ::snort::

Anonymous said...


A busy day as usural but sounds like you all had a great time.


Lisa in Jax said...

Arielle is just beautiful. I love bowling. I need to remember that and get us there sometime.LOL

Cynthia said...

There's always something going on, isn't there!

Emily said...

Arielle's eyes are just gorgeous!