Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sights from Today

Jamin made "Fiddle Faddle"
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Nolan & Arielle made door hangers
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We continued to pass out bags
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In a great show of teamwork, Arielle, Nolan, and I finished all the stitching before Thanksgiving on the cloth.
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I made a Chocolate Pecan pie for tomorrow and Arielle made one for tonight - her first pie - and it was quite good - everyone said so. She's our non-eater, but she enjoyed everyone elses' pleasure. Isn't that the sweetest smile? I'm so thankful for a daughter in the midst of all my rough and tumble boys - who I love dearly BTW!
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We made cookies -
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I need to buy more scoops - but the old fashioned way works too
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And tonight ::snort:: this is so funny ::gasp:: in the Fellowship Hall after the ECUMENICAL SERVICE (Where Stacia represnted all Protestant Minister's kids EVERYWHERE)::snort:: Stacia ran off with the....
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Can you see what Mike has intercepted? She snagged the BIG container of Coolwhip from the serving table. ::snort:: She's never even seen this at home and somehow focused right in on it. When all laughed she told them "It's NOT funny."
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Anonymous said...


Way to go!!! G'Ma has yet to make a pie. I AM TO STUBBORN I GUESS! Oh Well, I said I'd never drive with G'Pa as a passenger and I did so maybe there is yet hope for a pie by me. :):):):):):)

Stacia: You are my kind of gal... you know what is good......... :):)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We'll have to make pies when you are here. LOL Cindy's recipe for pie crust has turned out to be a favorite around here and is VERY easy. LOL

The food table was way across the gym - in the back in the photo - look how far she got with that big tub. Everyone was afraid to try to take it from her, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Funny! Think she has gotten her desire for all things sweet from me. :):):)
