Thursday, December 20, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Unwelcome Surprises

Poor Mike often finds unwelcome surprises when he climbs into bed. The younger ones get to watch cartoons and such while the older ones are doing school or really busy.

One time Mike climbed in and discovered HIS side of the bed was wet. Often HIS side of the bed is "crunchy"....or "gritty".....I'm not sure WHY they like to snuggle under the covers on HIS side of the bed.....

Last night we climbed into bed and discovered the most irritating grit in our bed. I was perplexed. I had MADE the bed and didn't remember kids under the covers. This morning as I prepared to wash sheets I discovered the grit looked suspiciously like cookie crumbs. We HAD baked their favorite cookies yesterday. At one point I did decree that there would be no more cookies for Zander and Stacia. They didn't fuss. I did note that the older kids seemed to be eating a lot of cookies through the afternoon. Hmmm....

This I interrogated the suspects. I told Zander and Stacia, "Yesterday you two snuck some cookies, got under Mom and Dad's sheets, and ATE them.

Zander's eyes got huge and he said, "How did you KNOW that?" ::snort::

Thirty minutes later he came up and said, "Mom, how DID you know that?" I told him that Moms have ways of knowing when their children disobey.

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Michelle said...

LOL! Great detective work! Here's hoping the cookie bandits don't strike again. :::giggle:::

Jen said...

LOL. Always good to keep them guessing.

Debbie said...

lOl...great job, mom! Have to keep them on the toes and always wondering.

Lisa~ said...

LOL This is great... A great mom moment...

I remember one time, when my 2 oldest shared a room... they were 6 and 4 I think.... I told them to go put toys away and clean their room... they came out 2 minutes later and with out even looking at them I told them to go back a pull all the toys and clothes out from under their bed that they just shoved under their!

I didn’t look to see the face expressions, but I could almost feel them! Both were whispering... and I her my son say how did she know that?

It was then my children though I could see everything! lol Eyes in the back of my head....

Very cute DeEtta... brought back my own memory I had forgotten.

Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...


What are you going to do when those two have 2 visiting G's who will might be talked into going along with the cookie ...........


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Mom - I'm thinking I'm going to go sleep in the trailer and you can all have the house. LOL

Stephanie said...

That cracks me up! These are the reasons we have children...the moments that bring the laughter and make you feel all light and giddy and just simply full of joy. I love it!!

Cynthia said...


Kristine said...

I can still see through my 9yods. He can't believe that I know some of the things that I do know!

Jodi said...

Yeah Moms just know these things, so there! LOL
Cute story.