Wednesday, January 03, 2007


The girls report that the roads are clear.

However, someone decided the bus needed to be serviced at Amarillo and they were two hours late leaving there. They were to catch a bus last night at 10 p.m. in Denver. They were 15 minutes late getting in. Don't you think they could have called ahead and said, "We're in town - we'll be there we have 10 passengers needing to transfer?" ::snort::

Yep - they missed the bus. The next one doesn't leave until tonight at 10 p.m. They have family and friends. They were worried about leaving the station and loosing their spot in line...but their old youth leader/mentor from AK lives in CO Springs. She drove up and spent the day with them. Well, last they called they were enjoying lunch in a French cafe. LOL

A funny is that they were separated on the bus and so couldn't quite "spread out" like they are used to. Bre said her partner finally exited in the Springs. Bre finally was able to fall asleep. She heard the announcer say "Denver" and thought "that doesn't concern me." Krista came and got her. We had a good laugh - no telling where she'd have ended up without her little sister. (Of course we know they would have woke her up - but we can't let her off this easily).

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