Friday, May 16, 2008



I woke up this a.m. and my desktop is gone. What happened to my laptop in the middle of the night? I don't appear to have Windows. I can't access my files. I can't download photos to my laptop. Outlook is gone. It's all gone.....

Yesterday, my computer shut off and when it came back up there was a message that "windows" had updated the computer and I now had new files. I noted that I was having trouble with Windows. But NOW I have nothing. I sure hpe this is an easy fix. I am so TIRED of loosing my address books, photos, files.....

Even blogger is funky. No photos. No "Edit/Compose" feature in the blog post template.....



Stephanie said...

Hi! I haven't changed my think it is some nasty conspiracy so that I won't stop buying pop tarts! lol

Linda said...

Oh no! I hope you figure it out and get it fixed soon. Maybe you can do one of those system restore things where you set it back to a certain point in time prior to that update. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Something similar happened to me and my laptop and we did the system restore to an earlier date. I'm bummed for you...The good new is Mike isn't out of town this time, right?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

That's just what we did. We're hearing that Vista has some glitches. LOL

Anonymous said...


Yikes and sorry! Mom T

Cynthia said...

UGH!!! When we bought our new laptops it was right before VISTA... they came with coupons to download VISTA and we didn't.... under strict instructions from our computer tech (LOL)..... UGH! I hope you're back to normal now.