Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I could post the devotional I shared Sunday on a yahoo group I co-own. Most of you have read it already. LOL

This boy stayed up with me LATE to see how Montana would go.....he is very concerned about how his birthstate will vote. I finally sat down with him and did the math to show that even if all the states left go Red, the outcome is still the same. That seemed to settle it for him and he went to bed. I'm not sure what he'll say if Montana has gone blue.


What am I going to do in the next weeks? Continue to pray and fast for our country and leaders. I'm also going to see if Mike can do anything about that prediction of where our next assignment will be. I'd rather stay in the deep south or move to a "fly over" state.

Giving Thanks - Day 4: Regardless of the outcome of the American elections, I KNOW WHO IS THE KING OF KINGS!!! and He isn't about to be voted out of that position.

I am choosing joy. I am choosing to cast my anxiety about the direction this country may be heading on Him.

©2008 D.R.G.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy I just found out that McCain lost. We chose not to watch the results last night. My heart is sad for our country.
I am with you the Lord is the King of Kings!!
Laura J.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy I just found out that McCain lost. We chose not to watch the results last night. My heart is sad for our country.
I am with you the Lord is the King of Kings!!
Laura J.

Renee said...

While I am certainly not happy with the outcome of the elections, I am not anxious. Somehow we'll get through this; we got through Bill. If anything, I feel bad for our hubbies who can't even moan, gripe or comalain come January... guess they better get it out now.

Stephanie said...

This has a knot in my gut. I'll be praying (and maybe even fasting!) with you...

Anonymous said...


We are with you when it comes to praying for our leaders and country. Actually, we must cuz the scriptures insist that it is our duty to do so.

I had to work at it a bit but I did manage a prayer for our up-coming president. For sure we will all need to pray for our leaders.


Praying for Mike a lot and your new assignment!

love/prayers Dad/Mom T

Michelle said...

De'Etta, I'll be joining you in prayer and fasting for our nation.

Our older girls and I were disheartened when we learned the news (via computer) before going to bed.

I'll be focusing my attention on Jesus and His sacrifice during this time of trial.

Jen said...

Amen. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that is what we are resting on today. I am taking this as a wake up call to remember to not just pray and fast for our leaders during the campaign, but all the time!

BTW, I am still rooting for Scott AFB. Don't know if that is a "fly over" state (whatever that is), but then again it is Obama's state and very blue but it's right next door to us the formally red, but now white (we tied!!!) state.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me more about fasting? I have always heard the word but I have never really done it. How long do you do it? Also, what do you eat/drink if anything, I have heard some people who drink, and some who have nothing, I am confused, please let me know what you think?

Cynthia said...

We have some budding young politicians here.. I didn't even know how passionate they were about this election until election night. WOW... I sure found out all they know. It was a great conversation night.

Debbie said...

Well, you know I'm still voting for the "G" family to come east.

We are also a bit unsettled, but trusting that God has it all well in hand. What more can we ask.

team D said...

Thanks for your post I have to remember that he is the King of King and he is in control. This election has had me scaried and we are not to have a spirit of fear. So thanks for choose joy.

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Your so right dear woman! :) I needed your blog about it. Thanks for posting it. :)