Guess what? I've been told FOREVER that I'm an extrovert...but I am loving this time of listen, to worship, to recharge. When did that happen? I think I may be a closet introvert......
I woke up and spent some leisurely time in worship, in the word, in prayer.
I had a nice workout and didn't have to worry about waking anyone up - even with loud music....and I could worship at the top of my lungs with NO ONE to hear...that is cool.
Mary, when hearing about my solitude, told me she was ready to catch up at the onsen. She's been in the states the past 3 weeks. This a.m. we headed to the onsen. I think the onsen has gotten hotter.
We grabbed some gyudon at Sukiyas.
We headed to the chapel to begin set up for today's assembly. I was worried as I always have the kids to help set up tables and haul things from the storage to the fellowship hall. I wouldn't have that help today and we were doing TWICE the number of kits today. Wow. My friends are such a blessing. Several showed up earlier than the time I'd posted to help set things up. Mary, Connie and girls, Susane, Anna and more....what a blessing. We got 100 kits done....that was a lot of work though.
Some things simply move slower in Japan and relief efforts are one of those slow moving things. We're getting a back log of kits and have run out of storage area....we've used a garage (most on base do not have garages) and today we also filled Mike's office. We have 150 ready to deliver to CRASH's pastors when they are ready. We'll halt shopping until we begin delivery.....this gives time for local stores to build their stock back up...getting difficult to find plastic cutting boards and toilet slippers in Misawa/surrounding areas. ::snort::
Susane invited me out to Mongolian Grill tonight. Yummo!
I ran by the chapel to talk numbers with Tina. Tina loves me....but I make her laugh. Who KNOWS why my numbers simply don't cooperate. For one thing, it seems she doesn't want you to "round up or down".
I'm back home and thinking I'll watch a bit more MONK.....and wonder of WONDERS - the house was still quiet and clean when I got home. It's that "just home from vacation feeling" every time I walk in the door. OK - I'll admit it - I'm being renewed in deep levels with the quiet and sleep and extended times of worship and word....but I do miss the chaos of our typical family life.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
I think I would enjoy the solitude, too. If it's something you rarely get, it's enjoyable even if you are an extrovert! Glad everyone made it to Seattle safely. Hope you enjoy graduation and have a great family time in the states!
My husband and kids are heading out for a day in Seattle... without me :D
I love them all, but TREASURE a day of solitude! Can totally sympathize with being able to worship at full volume, without anyone around - woo-hoo!
Had to laugh at your rounding up or down (LOL)! Glad you're being rejuvenated :)
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