MOPS play date this a.m. - 20 still around. Small but powerfully fun and needed.
Then we met a friend at Homac and helped her buy the Japanese laundry poles. We took advantage of the opportunity to buy dirt, more planters, and some plants.
Many hours of this day were spent in working out the ever-changing details of how this Transition Home Kit effort is going to work. It's coming together well. I'm starting to really love the analogy of the man throwing starfish back into the ocean. When told the job was hopeless and wouldn't make a difference he said, "to the one I just threw in it matters." I keep thinking about that....
Tonight, Akikosan offered to come with us on the first trip to deliver home kits. This is very good. She told me, "De'Etta San, I can read a Japanese map." My "adventures" have made me an international legend. ::snort:: She also told me that what had been translated online as "rice bowls" read "Condoleesa Rice"....not sure how THAT happened but we had a good laugh about three of them being in the kit. She is going over the list.
Prayers are appreciated...we're weary....but not weary in doing good.
Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
1 comment:
LOVE the RICE translation! :)
Grateful for "Akiko sans" in our lives as we live in foreign lands...
Praying for you all, and all the more as we read of another 'big' quake. God has you there in Japan for this time. I understand the weariness, but love it that you're not weary in well-doing! His strength is sufficient.
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