She had an ear ache - and we typically let those run their course. This time she had no symptoms other than pain.....and then last night got a fever. She has a bacterial ear infection. She's in quite a bit of pain tonight...but they say in a few days she'll be better. I'm still praying she's better by tomorrow.
She wasn't very impressed at having got all dressed up for church and having to spend it in the doctor's listening to Mom answer questions about HOMESCHOOLING! ::snort:: Dr. is moving to Korea and family will not be command sponsored, so they will homeschool. Hmm....more possibilities for staying in Asia.
We hung around home, took walks, played games...brainstormed about our "must see" trip tomorrow. I think we're going to try to find the grave of the mayor of Fudai who insisted they build a TALL sea wall; this saved their town when all around were destroyed in the tsunami.....
This is Bre's first 4th of July without Krista.....we miss her.
Fireworks were cancelled again due to fog. This is not stopping the neighbors from lighting things off around the cars...we could have a big fire display before this is over. I have left over stuff from New Years and I'm dying to go join them...but we're purists....we'll wait for July 4th or Labor Day. ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Wow, an AF doc not command sponsored to Korea? I can't imagine taking my family with no support - no plane tickets, no medical and his wife won't even be able to use Px/Commissary... some folks are waaaaay more adventuresome
Poor Stacia! Hope she feels better soon!
LOL Renee, many do this, actually. I've met several families here in Japan and in Korea which are not command sponsored....
Dh shops for them with a weekly list or they shop on the economy.
The big thing is the schools and the clinic. He's a dr and isn't worried about the clinic....many are homeschooling in Korea to be able to take their families as the schools are full - even if you are command sponsored.
Flights for a move from Northern Japan to Korea are significantly less than it would be stateside to Korea - and still I know families who have done it.
He called it the "ultimate DIY move". LOL Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it?
Thanks, Linda.
How's Stacia doing? Better?
Dr. is moving to Korea and family will not be command sponsored, so they will homeschool. Hmm....more possibilities for staying in Asia.
Does this mean you guys would want to stay in Asia after this term is over?
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