Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel Jerry E. Sather
Wing Chaplain, 30th Space Wing
cordially invites you to attend a retirement ceremony honoring
Chaplain Major Michael E. Gherkin
Deputy Wing Chaplain, 9th Reconnaissance Wing
on Friday, the fourteenth of August at eleven o' clock in the morning
Foothills Chapel
Beale Air Force Base, California
R.s.v.p. by 7 August 2015
Military: Uniform of the day
Civilian: Buisness Casual
Civilian: Buisness Casual
Reception immediately following the ceremony in chapels annex.
Why is the name Gherkin on the invite? Just curious!
LOL It's always been our policy not to publish our last name on the blog. I routinely blur uniforms, change kids' names in articles etc. Gherkin is our "online" last name.....the paper invitation says our correct last name.
That was me. ..Bre D
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