Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Blast from the Past

We arrived in Hardin, Montana 24 1/2 years ago to be assistant pastors at Hardin Open Bible Church. We had four children (Bre - 6; Krista - 4; Josiah - 2 and Jamin - 6 months). When we left four years later we had 1 1/2 more children (Jared - 1 1/2 and Arielle  - in womb); many priceless lessons, and treasured memories.

Dad came home from coffee one day and told Mom he'd seen Rodale and he said his mother was in town for the month. WE were also in town. It turned out Michael couldn't come with us as he is gallivanting down the interstates - but today Mom and I went to spend an afternoon reminiscing with Lorraine Lachenmeier.
Mom and Lorraine
Lorraine and I worked together on a few Valentine's Banquets, she taught me how to think of big crowds -  movement and food requirements etc.  She was Grandma Lorraine to many children growing up in Hardin Open Bible. I learned much from her.  We had fun today remembering events, people and places.....Lorraine now lives in CA and I travel in an RV - but we met today in Springfield, OR.
Me & Lorraine
 Lorraine's encouragement and friendship is one of many treasured memories from our years in Hardin. 


grandmaveggie said...

Love this lady! She was always Grandma Lorraine to many children, including mine. She was such a wonderful teacher for the children also!
You almost got her name right Lachenmeier. I think you just missed an e :) What a great time for all of you!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I was CLOSE. I'll edit it now. LOL Yes, Grandma Lorraine!

Anonymous said...

Sis: I really did enjoy our time spent with Lorraine. She was so special even to kids in my day....... She and mom were close. I always loved the way she treated mom. God Bless Her and PTL for how Christian band together etc.