Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Guys Go on an Alaskan Winter Hike

Jamin convinced Nolan, Alex, Cory and Dakota to go on an Alaskan winter hike. Jamin routinely runs in the sub freezing weather...and hikes the mountains.

It was 15*. They insist they had fun and hardly noticed the cold when they were moving. The boys and Cory spotted a wolf stalking Jamin and Dakota. They made noise and it lost interest. I had never contemplated wolves getting hungry as bears go to sleep.

I guess there is no really safe time to hike around here. I'm going to have to learn to shoot a gun. At this point I'm asking the boys to figure out what would be easy to hike with and would provide a bit of protection for Stacia and I.

Today, I opted to stay inside and participate in another winter tradition called tea time. Arielle tried to convince me it isn't really freezing untles it is 0* or so as it isn't really cold.  She didn't convince me.

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