Monday, October 01, 2007

Enjoying the Little Things

I'm in a bit of a melancholy mood today. Nothing has gone quite as planned today. There are simply days like this.

Our house seems really "slow" today. There are only 4 children at home. Josiah has classes and closes every night this week. He won't be home much. Jamin and Jared are at World View Academy. The girls still haven't moved back home. ::snort::
As we drove away from "the ranch" (wow is this a NICE resort/camp), Mike commented something to the effect that "this is what our family is going to look like in a few short years." We've both been trying to process this thought. Wow. Where did all the wonderfully chaotic years go? Four children at home is nearly normal.
We had a great visit with Brad and Brenda. Brenda commented on the energy it takes to keep up with our little ones. I had an epiphany. I realized that most women my age are no longer chasing toddlers around. ::snort:: This gave me a shocking glimpse into why my decriptitude is accelerating and my energy levels are declining - I'm not really doing the typical "aging female" type activities. OK - so QUIT LAUGHING!!! This was a lightbulb moment to me. I'll have to take vitamins and quit worrying about being tired. Most my friends my age have only young adults at this stage in their wonder I'm TIRED! ::snort::
All these thoughts have me melancholy. I feel truly honored and excited that we still have young blessings at home to parent. I miss the older children. I miss the season when we were all under one roof - but I see things clearly now that I missed when the older four were young.
It doesn't really matter if they ace those tests. It doesn't really matter if the house is a mess. It doesn't really matter if they don't care for broccoli. It isn't really going to cause the world to shift if the crayons melt on the car floor. It won't really matter if there is laundry left on the couch. Truthfully, it doesn't really, really matter if I lose or gain two lbs this week....not really.
It's the little things that matter. This week, with just the four of us home, I'm determined to focus on the "little things" that matter. Today we concentrated on some character issues I've been meaning to address, we began talking about what love looks like and we also began a "family way" on cooperating, we co-operated and put up some fall decor (note below), we played games, watched movies, I made bubble scultures while Stacia took a mid-afternoon bath...the little things.....but they matter.

Note (we seem to have lost a box of Thanksgiving/Fall decorations - even checked the attic - where could it have gone???)


Anonymous said...

M&Ms are "little things" right??


Just kidding. For me the lesson is more to enjoy the here & now whatever it is -- not to be waiting for some other thing.

Yvonne said...

I'll share in your lightbulb moment. I think that's why I'm a bit perplexed by Gracie's recent "neediness." I'm sore, tired, really tired...and the tantrum antics are just something I wish I was past. But you are right about taking note of the little things. Great encouragement. ~Yvonne

Michelle said...

De'Etta, I understand how you feel....and I didn't even laugh (okay, at least now out loud) :::smirk:::

I'm glad you're taking time to enjoy the little things (which end up being big things).

Debbie said...

Thanks for the reminder, De'Etta...being another older parent of little ones (I think I have close to 5 years on you! :-)) I have to try and focus on the things that really matter...I don't have the energy for the other stuff. {g}

I do find myself getting stressed about the I doing enough, will the catch up, how can I spread myself around so that everyone is getting what they need! Usually a call to my dear hubby brings things back to earth.

I appreciate your words today.

Herd Momma said...

I am Amy, a friend of Margie's.She told me to check out your Blog. I have been checking in off and on for a week or so now. Thank you.
I am 37 years old and have an 8 year old daughter, a 6 year old son and twin 4 1/2 year old sons. they wear me out. I try hard not to sweat the little stuff but, recently found myself becoming obsessed with the less important. Thanks for the reminder. You're a terrific Mom. Thanks for your Blog.
I have started a blog myself. thewordfromtheherd.

Anonymous said...


Ah! What a reallization. I do remember as you kids were gone. Not sure what we'd do about schooling if we went that way again?

Actually, until I returned to the States for good and my doctora reduced my premerin by .75%. I didn't really know the "tired" feeling. BUT oh how I now know it.
Think I enjoyed those 26 years without a doctor in the Philippines. :):)

One thing for sure....... you will probably be able to really enjoy most everything the younger kids do now. :):)

Think this is one reason Grandkids are such an awesome thing to we older folks.... Just wait until you all get your 1st grandchild in the future....... Love then has a surprising new meaning.

check email for happenings at school today.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ah - so there are other aging mommies (what's that fancy word they use when your pregnant to describe being an old prego???) in my circle of friends...but y'all aren't we could push kids at the park on the infant swings and discuss our osteoarthritis. ::snort::

I'm nearly 44...Mom you are getting down right OLD! ::snort:: I find that most the women I have play dates with etc are younger than me - because they are the ones whose kids are attracted to my "park kids" but then I get around ladies that have been friends for years and gee whiz - I'm the forerunner with kids out of the house but they are looking at being totally child less in the next 5 don't get me wrong - I'm not wanting to RUSH through parenting but I realized this a.m. that most my friends wouldn't be spending 24/7 with a toddler unless it was their GRANDBABY so maybe, just maybe that has something to do with my flagging energy levels. ::snort::

I'm taking a vitamin...started today. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Amy - welcome. Margie told me she'd given the blog address to a friend. Thanks for the kind words.

Kathy in WA said...

De'Etta - I'm sorry you are feeling down but I certainly LOVE when you blog your thoughts and reflections like this. I learn so much from you when you share your heart and experiences.

I'm trying to live in the little moments as well. It's difficult when the mess and busyness seem overwhelming.

Duckabush Blog

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Kathy - hmmm - melancholy doesn't mean down or depressed to me - I better be more careful about how I use the word. I'm feeling more reflective than down. LOL

Cynthia said...

Boy do I know those feelings!

Michelle said...

De'Etta, I wish I lived closer so we could talk about these days when our older kids are out of the house and the littles are still here. With Cory being gone and when Kaila and Megan went on a retreat weekend, we had only the younger four at home. It hit me like a ton of bricks that before long that's the way it will be for many years. Praise God for giving us these insights now so we can truly treasure these passing moments and days with all or most of our children.(not that we didn't treasure them before but now the Holy Spirit has given us a heightened awareness,kwim?) I, too, miss having all my kids at home. A part of us is out there in the world. I miss him.

I find at times it can be lonely being an older mom. Most of the moms my age have older kids and no littles or the ones with littles are a decade or 2 younger than me. Wow! I struggle but am choosing to look at it as God has put me in their path to mentor them and to learn more myself....I know I wish I would've had an older mom to share her experiences with me when I was a young mom. Thank God for the internet where I don't feel like such an oddball! LOL But then again, TBTG, because we're supposed to be of the world but not "in" it too. :) Did any of that make sense? I know I'm really rambling but I can really identify with how you're feeling.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Michelle - have you heard of MOMYS?

I think we need to begin a group called O MOMYS (Older Moms of Many yound siblings) or O MOYS (Older Moms of Young siblings).

Michelle said...

De'Etta, no I haven't heard of MOMYS. Is it an online group or IRL? I like the sound of OMOMYS :) At Real Learning there is a board for mom's over 40. Have you checked it out?

Emily said...

De'Etta . . I enjoyed reading this blog . . .it really gives a great perspective of things. I remember when I first started homeschooling YEARS ago I met another mom who was in the same stage I am NOW . . she told me, "Don't sweat the little things" It is so true! I use to be an organizational FREAK . . I have let up in my old age and let our home become a refuge of warmth and love and not just worrying about whether everything is clean or not. I will have plenty of time to do that when my babies are all grown up! Thanks for the insight!

Kathy in WA said...

De'Etta - let's see defines Melancholy as:

1. a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.
2. sober thoughtfulness; pensiveness.

I guess you can go with gloomy or reflective. :)

Of course, if you are normally an upbeat and cheerful person, than being melancholy, reflective, or quiet and thoughtful could still be considered "down" without it meaning being depressed.

Shall we do word studies? This is fun. Ha! As if we didn't have other things to do. LOL!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Michelle - MOMYS is an online group. BEfore SHS took all my online hours I belonged to several other groups - now I don't. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Emily - have been praying for you as Jordan flies....glad the words were meaningful.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

**1. a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.
2. sober thoughtfulness; pensiveness.

Ah but,see, IS possible to be soberly thoughtful and joyful at the same time.

I think we as a society of labeled melancholy as "depressed" but the word does mean thoughtfulness too....and it gets further complicated if you've lived with several who test as melancholics in temperment tests, as I have. See....they are NOT depressing individuals - just thoughtful, methodical - and so that is what I was thinking of "I'm having a sober,thoughtful day"...but I do understand why that would seem like down and depressed. LOL