Thursday, March 07, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday

Michael and Alex left for Man Camp today.  It seemed like a good day to bake scones. 

I've been searching for the "perfect" scone recipe.  I planned to bake Brenda's Blueberry scones today; Stacia woke up determined to make Lemon Poppy Seed scones. She had more energy than I and, therefore,  won the honor to actually bake the scones rather than simply planning to bake.
Lemon Poppy Seed Scones

While she baked, I explored my new study Bibles - checking and re-checking 1 John 5 again. LOL Yes, we had discussed this chapter on Tuesday, but I want to be sure I haven't missed anything for our Friday class. 

I searched for months before purchasing a new bible - or bibles as it turned out. I wanted the standard things...but I also wanted the publisher to be owned by either a Christian family or business. In other words, I didn't want the publisher to be the "Christian publishing arm" of x,y,z..... I also wanted large print. I narrowed it down to either the ESV Study Bible or the Fire Bible.  Christian Books had a sale last week. I was able to get both of these for well less than the cost of the ESV would have been at normal price. The ESV was 47% off and the Fire Bible was $15 as it is slightly damaged. I now have a great study Bible from both a Calvinist and  Arminianist perspective. I have already enjoyed the depth of insight from reading both. I'm hoping to get used to the ESV and be able to use the large print when I lead a study. I'm having trouble quickly finding the print in my current Bible. Could be age? 

Arielle and Benny joined us to sample the Scones. We are going to Bre's for tea after Bible study on Friday and are bringing the rest....but they needed sampling.
Benny likes tea parties
We discovered Benny loves lemon scones. LOL

Life Group met tonight without Michael and Alex. We discussed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."  Ed did a great job guiding the discussion and I'm so glad we didn't miss this week. I am reading, Grace From the Cross, by Kyle Idleman this Lent season. I was able to download the kindle version for $2.99. I have only read the first chapter but it, the Life Group discussion, as well as two 1 John 5 discussions, have given me plenty of spiritual food for thought this week. LOL

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