Sunday, August 04, 2019

She Thinks She's a Cat

She must think she's a cat. There is no telling where Lucille will show up. While some take fun in portraying me as a crazy chicken lady - there are some crazy chicken men around here.  She seems to have claimed the garage. I won't are so much when my exercise equipment is out of there. 😜

Later in the day

"Well HELLO, Lucille." Yuuki did not appreciate her at the doorstep. 

She continues to lay eggs in the brush....we can gather them now. 


Jodi said...

Awww Love that Lucille!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I just don't know what she's going to do during the winter.....

Jodi said...

Have you tried her with the younger group? Otherwise I guess she'll have to move in the house with you all, ROFLOL *snort* :-).

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

She beats up on the younger group. I'm afraid her experience with the weasel and the mean girls has made her a loaner.