Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Look what I invented -  a way to store lights without them turning into a tangled mess. LOL 

Yes, all the Christmas decor is finally packed up. The "crew" will put them up high in the garage tomorrow.  That means I got it done on Ash Wednesday.  Next...year I may well have a St. Patrick's or Lent tree. 

For now, I am happy to have the space back in the upstairs. I still can't find the stuff that usually sit on top of the step tonsu in the living room, top of my desk, mantle or the entry way tapestry.  CRAZY! Everyone has an idea of where they must be, but so far they haven't turned up in any of THOSE spots. LOL I may have to buy new fripperies. ::snort:: 

I just couldn't pack away all the Christmas lights.  I put lights in my nook - and it's perfect! 

I am happy to have a bit more space to set things. LOL 

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