Saturday, April 25, 2020


I got up and Dad was still sleeping. Alex and Stacia were working on school. No one else was moving...I putzed around for an hour...the mountains were calling...and I wanted to be sure to get my miles in so that I wasn't derailed by pop-up family fun. 

It was a beautiful morning. I slowed my pace to grab a few shots. I didn't run into moose, I did have a couple of biggish dog friends join me for bits of time...I did not run into the tush sniffing pit bull. 🐾 I avoid that route at all costs these days. LOL 

THIS is my favorite view of the walk. It takes my breath away. Well - there is one spot a bit further where I can see three mountain ranges at once....but I love this one. This is also when I have to decide if I am turning back home, or committed to at least 5 miles of walk. 😊 I vary the route but any way I go, except straight back, will require at least 5 miles.

I personally think any veggies grown in such a beautiful spot will NATURALLY taste better than store bought! Don't you think? 

I dread the final 3/4 mile push up hill to home....but I DO so love turning back and seeing where I've walked...knowing the rest of the way home will all be downhill. πŸ½πŸ˜…πŸ½

The house was still quiet when I got home. I moved a bale of straw to the chicken yard. I hoped they would have fun with it...and they have. I plan to get some treats to hide in it for I just threw some scratch around and on top of it.

My goal this week was to walk 20 miles. That was 6 miles more than the previous week. I did it! I had blisters from Saturday and had to baby my feet a bit....but I got it done! My pace is picking was 18 minutes today so maybe that will go down again next week.

I'm not sure I'll keep walking every week. I only got one elliptical workout in this week...and I notice the difference in weight loss....but I do enjoy being outside.  Reaching a walking goal helps me focus on what I CAN control in this season, and on this weight loss journey. It gives me lots of meditating, praying, praising time....AND I check in with friends too. It DOES take me an hour and 40 minutes to walk 5 miles.

I'm not sure if my goal will be 20 miles again in the upcoming week or if I'll try to up the mileage.

The other big goal met this week is that Alex and Stacia finished their work for the year. or 98% of their work - enough that I'm fine giving them grades and have work samples for them.

Sure enough - the kids decided to go celebrate the end of the school year at WALK to town....and invited me on a 9 mile walk.....but I knew better. LOL  We ended up picking them up as they discovered they couldn't get food at DQ without a car. LOL

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