Sunday, November 29, 2020

Advent in Quarantine

I have been reading through the New Testament in these final 3 months of 2020. I am challenged in Hebrews to "Consider Jesus." I want to stop, ponder and think deeply about Jesus. I've begun a list of all Hebrews shows about Jesus.  And so it is with  a heart primed to contemplate Jesus we enter this Advent season.

Quarantine Photo of the Day 

Stacia and I plan to work through this little book for the next four weeks. Asheritah's heart is to focus on facets of Jesus as expressed in his names...creating, and enhancing, a heart to worship Jesus.  It's almost like "someone" orchestrated this focus for us. 

 As we're all currently home, it was fitting for us to embark on the journey as a family. This first night we contemplated soul amnesia - our tendency to forget the awe of Jesus. We talked about God always having a plan, how that looks different than we expect but we can confidently rest in His plan. We talked about the patience of God and how no detail escapes His notice. 

We sang Silent Night together - we may need to find music to support our voices in the future. ::snort:: 

I am thankful on this slow, cooped-up, day  quarantine plays a role in family's  celebration of Advent 2020. It is good to slow down. It is good to be bored. In the silence, we think, we listen, we are renewed and restored. Covid certainly cannot stop a heart from Celebrating Christmas. 

This sweet family has recovered from Covid. They know the quarantine gig...Krista has diligently checked to see if we need anything from Walmart, Fred Myers - wherever she is going. Today, they went to our church for service and stopped by afterwards with chocolate oranges and kale. Possibly even more important to me, Krista gave me my first "other than Michael" hug in months! She no longer has to worry about Covid. I look forward to that freedom. 

I also look forward to seeing this snuggable, kissable face in person before the end of December. The girls are faithfully sending  us photos of the grandblessings. Here is Danny - look at how he's grown - I am thinking he's 2 1/2 weeks old here. 
Daniel Michael - CoRielle's 

Look what showed up in our mailbox. It did my heart GOOD and my eyes leak a bit. Nozomi means hope in Japanese.  Jewelry is made from broken pieces of pottery which washed up after the Quake Tsunami of 2011.  
I meant to pick up a piece before we left Japan - and never did.  I've since had two of "my girls" (Air Force spouses from women's ministries) be assigned to Japan. Both have sent me lovely in brokenness....such a profound truth. I treasure these pieces, for the meaning, the memories and the lovely relationships represented by the gifts.  

As I scan over the entry before posting - it hits me once again. It's always the people. Always. 

In Covid news: Michael took Alex to retest. Grandpa stayed in bed most the day and is very confused when he is awake.  His oxygen stays at 98 - 99.  We're all incredibly tired and enjoying our Marvel Marathon - not sure we'll finish it before our release. I can still not taste - though my sense of smell is returning and my oxygen is hovering between 93 - 95.  Other symptoms have abated. Krista's oxygen is 93-94. 

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