Saturday, July 01, 2023

A Gorgeous Saturday Well Used

 Stacia and Michael have been steadily working on Dad's puzzle. He hasn't been very interested in finishing this one. He woke up this a.m. and all but four pieces were in place. It was a fun surprise for him. 

It was a GORGEOUS day. We reached the 70's. This has been an ODD summer...still snow on the ground in May.  Rain through most of June.  I haven't gotten a garden in as I've had a zillion things to get done on each of our few sunny days.  I noted a couple of gardens around town - they are covered in plastic. This made me think, if I plant the cool crops in the greenhouse, I may still get a few things. I determined NOT to play on the next nice day - but to work on a greenhouse garden. 

Yikes - the weeds were out of control. 

I weeded the beds and planted the starts for the things that NEED to be inside. I'm really not sure it will get hot enough this summer...but I'll try. I watered the beds WELL...

looked through the seeds for ones that may still have time to produce.

This spinach bolted! LOL It's taller than I am. The chickens loved it. 

I pretty much planted a kitchen garden. There are a couple of tomato and pepper plants in the greenhouse. I don't have any cucumber starts - but I have lots of pickles still on my shelves from last year. I planted more spinach, radishes, kale, carrots and lettuces. I figure we can eat all of those even if they don't fully mature. We planted potatoes over a month ago. There's been so much rain and so little sun that they aren't doing much, yet. 

I was just sitting in the greenhouse and enjoying a cool drink when I heard little voices! The reinforcements had arrived. 

Arielle and Cory set about mowing a good portion of the yard. Cory even beat back the tall white weed thing that had overcome a plum tree in the orchard. LOL  I played with boys and provided ice water and Outshine frozen pops.

Little Buddy can CLIMB! He's been practicing at the baseball field. 

Popsicle or zbar - which option should Danny choose?

The boys asked for a ride in my garden wagon (dip netting wagon) and I was happy to oblige. 

It's JULY. This is adoption month. By the end of the month Little Buddy will have both a name and a face on the family blog. LOL 
Such happy brothers 📷by Arielle 

Little Buddy got brave enough to "touch the dog." Millie did great with the kids. 

Oh, my. Look at those dirty legs. It must be summer. 

The view from my hammock.

I wish we had more days like THIS around here. Of the next 10 day forecast only 2 days aren't forecasted with rain. However, the snow is ALL melted off the mountain by our home.  While we played and mowed...Michael drove off for an adventure with Jamin. I'll blog that separately.  

We talked CoRielle and the boys into staying for dinner. I had that roast from yesterday to heat up....5 minutes in the instant pot and it was good to go. Stacia put some potatoes in the air fryer, and I pulled out our salad and made biscuits.  Jelly Belly grapes and some deviled eggs completed the meal. 

After the boys and CoRielle left, Stacia loaded dishes and I hopped into the shower. We watched a couple of episodes of White Collar. 

I feel good about all we got done on this sunshiney day. We can play or work on the painting on the next sunny day.

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