Monday, September 05, 2005

Alexander's Charming Way

I know that Alex (Zander) has found a special place in many's hearts and so I'll share the answer to the question that all keep asking me "how is Alex handling a new baby"?

Alex is smitten: pure and simple. This little girl has wrapped her big brother around her finger and it took less than a day to accomplish.

Alex's big deal lately is NAMES. One day he told us all "I'm not Alex". "I'm Zander". That lasted a few days. I think he was tired of hearing "Alllllleeeexxx" and thought being Zander would take care of the problem. He discovered that "ZZZZAAAAANNNNDDDERRR" had the same results as "ALEXXXX". Then he began to tell us he was not Alex or Zander "I am ALEXANDER".....we never know who the little guy is. This fascination with names has carried over into reading - where he stops us to point to characters and ask us their name; into every day life where he finally calls Breanne BREANNE instead of Krista;and he's even corrected us. In a silly moment I called Mike a "stud muffin" and Alex looked alarmed and quickly said, "Mom - that's not a Stewed Muffin - that's MIKE". :::snort:::

Alex's new love is computer games. He plays them by the hours. We have to watch his time as he gets to involved. We have no idea HOW but he will get up in the a.m, boot up the computer, ENTER THE PASSWORD, insert the cabella hunting game and go bear or moose hunting. It would appear that this love of hunting is warring with his responsibility and love of Stacia. He is very attentive. Runs when she peeps and lets us know that WE need to run as well. I was watching one day when Stacia began to came our streak of from hunting bears....he ran up to Stacia, got down in her face and said, "Sorry STECIA.....I'm BIZZZY".

We still haven't convinced him that he needs to be potty trained...but it will come.

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