We hung our suet hanger. I decided at less than $2 it was smarter to BUY the suet than buy the ingredients and make smart suet. {g}
(Nolan hangs Suet basket)
We also began our 3rd experiment of this book We are going to watch and track and see what type of bird feed the birds in our yard like. To eliminate variables we needed two feeders exactly alike. Girls, you will remember we made feeders in AK – but I bought two because none of our are “exactly alike”.
Our first chore was to fill the feeders.
We’d decided to hang them side by side on my Shepherd’s Hook. Jared found it hard to move the feeder. We thought this would be easy…..this should have been a hint of things to come. We couldn’t get the Shepherd’s Hook into the brick-like TX soil.
We settled for moving it back to the original spot and planned to ask Mike to move it to the other side of the yard tonight. The kids want the feeder by the tree so that they can watch it while eating.
Josiah went after the project with a hose, a hammer and a piece of wood. He broke the wood but got the feeders moved. Now we are just waiting for birds to visit. Yes, it does seem strange to be preparing for BIRDS in January.
I am looking forward to this science book next. We are on Saturn. We should be done in 5 weeks and then are taking a trip to the planetarium. We're going to wait until summer or fall for the next book, though. Allen wants to do electricity and magnetism. Not sure what to do about that. I love the elementary Apologia!
Does SL still have a year on electricity and magnetism? I remember that year.....not sure what age it was geared towards.
I LOVE the elementary Apologia. I'm sort of skimming and doing SOME of the hands on and a joint notebook and figure when they are 6th and 5th we'll go through it again and they'll do their own notebooks and glean more. I don't know that I'd BUY this for a 2nd and 1st grader but since we wanted it for the 6th grader it is working very well.
Oops, that was me again, sorry about that.
Kelly in OH
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