I sat in the Toys R Us parking lot feeding Stacia and enjoying the sun and wind. I idly watched a blue SUV pull in next to a very nice Truck. The truck was parked far away from other cars. He had backed in to protect his tail?
One door of the SUV flew open – very windy and smacked right into the nice truck. The mother and daughter got out. They inspected THEIR vehicle and went inside. Never ONCE did they inspect the truck to see if they had damaged it.
Mike came back out to report that Toys R Us did in fact have baby packs. He wanted me to come in and see what I thought about the one he’d picked out – I loved it. While I finished feeding Stacia, I pointed out the truck and SUV and told him my story. I told him I thought it illustrated our society. VERY concerned about OUR things but not a thought to other’s things or the damage we may have caused them…..even concerned about ourselves but not much concern for others. As we finished talking I got out of the Honda. I carefully opened the door. I waited a few seconds to make sure it was secure. Mike got out of the car and a gust of wind hit (same moment) and the door blew just enough to hit the very nice and fancy car next to us. I’d smiled at the elderly couple as they went in. Can you believe THIS? {snort} We checked their car and had made a small dent that Mike thought would buff out. He left an explanation, our name and phone number on their wind shield.
By the time we got home they had called Josiah. They were thankful we’d left a note and didn’t want us to worry about it at all.
The best and worst of our culture? There are still folks out there who are NICE.
I’m being very careful with doors from here on out.
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