Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Missionary Kids or Christmas in February

Somewhere along the line today we ended up deciding that we may as well open Zander’s gifts tonight. The issue is that we are not doing the typical cake, restaurant etc “family party” because they have chosen to have a “friends party”. The friends party happened to fall on Zander’s birthday. I think if we tell him all day it’s his birthday and then expect him to share all the attention at the park…..well I don’t think he’ll understand….and I can’t figure out how to fit in his private family gift giving thing with the Saturday party. Nolan suggested we let him open gifts tonight. This will be great because they got many of the same gifts. Zander’s big gift is a bike and so we may wait and give that to him at the Park on Saturday.

Josiah’s birthday is tomorrow so we decided to wrap all the gifts this afternoon…and it really was like Christmas in Feb….in fact…more gifts than Christmas. The kids, once again, are teasing me about my lack of wrapping finesse. Mom, I blamed it on you. :::snort::: I told them that growing up in Liberia we had to IRON our wrapping paper and use it again. That we took enough wrapping paper and chocolate chips in the missionary barrel to last for 3 years and that we had to be very careful what we used….so I didn’t do a lot of wrapping while overseas. :::snort::: The funny thing is that I ran out of paper to wrap all of Josiah’s gifts so I told them they would need to play “missionary kids” tonight and be very careful to save some paper so we could iron it and use it to wrap Josiah’s gifts.

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