Thursday, February 16, 2006

Stacia is 6 months old today!!!

 She did NOT crawl on the date Kelly chose. Sorry. {G}

I did figure out the sling thing this a.m. It seems the "thick padding" that I was told went under her rear is really a thick padding that should go on the back of my shoulder. The other thick padding goes under her rear. {G} That piece of info helped tremendously. At the park with Adrienne yesterday, I noticed that HER sling didn't have a thick padded part for the rear. Tricia was there as well and we both had a good laugh. She had been given this sling before me and couldn't figure it out either. Shew...I'm not alone. Stacia didn't seem to enjoy this experience. She seems to like falling out (see earlier pictures) better. She continuously head butted my chin...maybe I have her to high.

Oh's WET....doesn't always look like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Stacia, I think I'll have to choose a new date! LOL...... How about March 28th?

She looks better in the sling. When I wore mine facing that direction in the sling, I put them on my hip on the side. It is kinda tricky to get the hang of it. My youngest was so happy to have a sling or he never would have been able to eat. I have a very active, very fast 19 month old! LOL.....

I think your hair looks good. I didn't even notice it looking different until I read your comment LOL.