Friday, March 24, 2006


Here's the picture that wouldn't load below. {G} I already mentioned how I figured out the sling...I thought I'd share a few more thoughts on this contraption.....I've been assured that my sling is a bit short for me and that when I receive the new one I won't feel quite so "confined". That would be my only complaint.

Other than that, I've seen positives. Stacia loves the sling. She can watch the world from my viewpoint. She gets to travel faster than she can when left to her own devices. I am constantly rubbing her head for her and patting her tush too. I've long noted that Stacia has a storm before she gives up and goes to sleep. During the storm it helps if I hold her tight and she slips off to sleep. The sling makes this a natural. She simply lies her head down and sleeps. She wasn't a very cuddly baby and so this allows me to feel that we are cuddling. I've missed nursing with Stacia but since I'm wearing her a LOT of the day now I feel as close or closer to her than I did my nursing babes. My hands are free while I wear her...this means I can carry more, put on makeup and do my hair while I hold also means that we've had no more scares where my wrists give out as I'm holding her.

Wearing Stacia is SOOO much easier for me and my wrists than trying to carry the infant carrier. It is also so easy to go shopping when wearing her...I have two hands to shop and corrall Zander with...and am never leaving Stacia sitting in a cart while I chase someone else down the aisle...not that that has EVER really happened to me. {vbg}

Thanks to Adrienne for introducing me to slings...and Becky for giving me this one....and Julie for finally helping me to "get" how to put the thing on...still thinking of the barrio mama's of my youth in the Philippines...wish I'd remembered them much earlier.

BTW my arthritis symptoms are gone most days and I attribute that to the new diet and eating tons of pineapple and coconut oil. LOL (4 loaves of bread in the oven and 8 buns rising - want to see if the same recipe will work for both....and this is a NEW recipe....blew the top right off the Bosch).
Had to edit this: not sure if this is a positive or negative...but wearing Stacia allows her to reach up and plant her wide-open-mouthed-wet kisses on the side of my face any time she pleases. {G}

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