Friday, March 17, 2006

Indians, Co-ops, Parks

Hmmm….what did we do WEDNESDAY? We did school. We continue to study the Plains Indians and the transcontinental railroad. One legend told how the Sioux nation came to be. Seems there was a god who had 5 sons. He named the North, South, West and East and the youngest one was Whirlwind. I could relate. {g}

After school we went to the park. I worked on setting up Excel for the new natural foods co-op that I’m organizing – or trying to organize. Back at home I began to slice and dice a pile of veggies for a stir fry dinner. The young boys were watching me and I began to show off the ability of my new knife to quickly chop….doing the Ginsu thing. That’s when I chopped my finger. I had been complaining that my butcher knife disappeared during our move. I finally bought a new knife. It certainly was sharp enough. {G} We waited an hour for the urgent care on call doctor to call us back. She thought I’d be fine to wait and see the doc Thursday a.m. I went to sleep at mid-night with my thumb still bleeding. I cut the top ¼ th of the nail off – damaged the nail bed, shaved the top of the rest and the tip of the thumb. Ouch. I KNOW I had a tetanus shot in San Antonio. During the accident time I realized how different it is to have an accident surrounded by 5 boys and a husband…with no GIRLS around. {g} If Mike ever leaves the chaplaincy these guys can take their act on the road. From Josiah, “You know it’s going to be a bad dinner when the cook is beside herself”. From Mike as he holds pieces of my former thumb came a SONG “I wanna hold your hand”. Nuts. We laughed hard. I can’t remember the rest of the comments. Zander stole my heart by grabbing a towel and joining me to moan about his hurt finger. He kept saying “you should NOT cut fingers, Mom”. (Picture later - won't upload).

bright and early I called Tri-care. The gentlemen told me that they had no appts for Thursday or Friday. I told him that the urgent care doc had wanted me to be seen. He told me that it wasn’t “acute” and asked if I could call back Monday. I asked if I could make an appt for Monday and he told me I could call back to see if they had an opening on Monday. Keep in mind that I really did NOT want them to 1. Give me a shot or 2. Remove the remaining nail (a possibility). Mike was quite upset when he heard what they’d told me. I was once again told that I had to be more forceful when dealing with tri-care. I should have insisted that they find something for me THAT DAY. He emailed the doctor who is our PCM. That doctor called him and said this was totally unsat. He says that he is looking into it and will get to the bottom of it. That someone on the appointment line is NOT qualified to be giving medical advice. I was told I needed an appointment and they should have given me one…not told me that it wasn’t acute. I HATE confrontation and I hate my name associated with this sort of thing. I know that someone is going to get their tail chewed…I THINK he was active duty….and I have no idea WHO he is…so there will be someone out there who I don’t know who dislikes me. UGH. I have an appointment for 1:00 TODAY. I realized that my records were lost when we moved and so they will have no record of my tetanus shot. YIKES! I will do all in my power to dissuade them from the removal of said nail….it’s feeling better and I do not want to go back to all that blood and pain again.

In other news on Thursday – we finished school. Read some really gross stuff, read some interesting stuff, ordered an incubator and 4 quail eggs from
Home Training Tools, mailed packages to my parents and the girls, took the little ones to lunch and Josiah to work. THEN we headed to the park again. {g} We needed to give Adrienne money for Friday’s produce co-op. Yippee…more fresh produce.

Zander had a hard day in the park. This month he’s gone from being totally anti-social to thinking that every child at the park should want to play with him. This led to a big brawl in the sand box when one little boy did NOT want to play with him. Being this is my 9th child, I don’t tend to get real worked up about these things, but other parents do. Enough said. Walking out to the van I was talking and fell off the curb. Now I was just thrilled that I’d twisted my ankle…there was a reason for this fall and my leg didn’t just give out. {G} I did have Stacia in the sling and she got a scratched up finger. I got a twisted ankle, scraped knee, hand and elbows….to go with my bandaged thumb. I’m a sight. Heather offered me the chance to stay home and she’d bring me produce to the house in the a.m. but I really enjoy visiting with these ladies.

The night ended with a PWOC board meeting.


Anonymous said...


What is more clutsy than me? My daughter. At least I only do this type of thing once in a day. :)

Sorry for the finger and then the fall. Hope Stacia doesn't decide the sling thing is not for her. Zander is quite the guy. G'Pa says justs about every day... "Are you a wise guy?"

The phase4 thing will be sent to your address and might take 3 weeks from yesterday.

Be careful and enjoy alowing the boys to help. HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh De'Etta,

Your post had me laughing, grimacing, laughing again, grimacing again. I'm so sorry you've gotten hurt twice this week! I love how you can find the humor in things though. My Pasor's wife up in Wa is like that too. I consider both you and her the most godly two women I know. I'll be praying for an uneventful rest of the week for you and your family.

Jen in Az.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ah Jen....thanks for the prayers. Beware of placing me on a never know when I will take a tumble. {G}

Anonymous said...

Awww no pedestal. I just recognize a godly woman, wholly committed to the Lord when I see one. I can only aspire to be that one day...
