Sunday, April 30, 2006


{Yes, we are home - Part 2 of our vacation will be posted in the next few days - maybe. I'm feeling over-whelmed with jumping back into the routine!}

For those who noticed the new ticker....Mike has made a deal with me. When I have logged 500 miles on my bike he'll buy me the eliptical machine I've been dreaming of. I used to go to the gym 5 - 6 days a week (in San Antonio and Anchorage). Now that the girls are gone I simply can't take that much time out of the morning routine to go to the gym. I've thought a machine at home would be the answer. Mike is concerned about weight for moving....he also thinks I need to simply get outside.

SO....I took the challenge.

I can see good coming of this....1. I'll establish a work out routine before I buy the machine which would make it more likely that I'll use the machine when I have it, 2. this gives me a fitness goal I CAN make progress towards whereas the weight will be released when it will be released! In other words I want to see results somewhere! {G} and (I suppose) 3. Mike thinks I'll decide that I don't need the machine by the time I log 500 miles......we'll see. *IF* I still want it at the end of 500 miles he promises to purchase it.

I'm also trying to work up to one sit up a day! :::snort:::


Anonymous said...

I'm also trying to work up to one sit up a day! :::snort:::

I'm snorting right along with you! I'm lacking sorely in that "ab" dept. Good going on that new excercise routine! Riding a bike is so much fun I wish I could do that. Maybe when the kiddos are older....

Jen in Az.

Anonymous said...

Hi De'Etta,

I checked on your bog last night. Yep, I was missin' ya :) I'm rather touched you checked in with me when you got back LOL.....

When I first saw your ticker, I thought, Holy Moly is that a lot of walking! Then I read it. It's much faster to bike 500 miles than walk it :)

You can work those ab muscles. I have this little video called "Pick Your Spot Pilates". It has a 10 min. ab routine, 10 min. thighs and 10 min. rear end. I only do the abs (thankfully it is the first spot lol). You'd think 10 min. wouldn't do much, but they work. I figure, I can do 10 min. It takes me longer than that to drink coffee lol.

Anyway, I'm glad you're home and can't wait to see pictures of your vacation. I'm glad your as visual as me :) and post lots of pictures.


becky.onelittle said...

I'm also trying to work up to one sit up a day! :::snort:::

Haha.. I'm just shooting for about 6 sit ups between children!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ya ladies are so fun!

Becky...I figure I'd better get a move on and set some sort of ab goal before the mysterious grow very tight abs syndrom takes over(every couple of years you know - at about 36 weeks). ::Snort:::

Mike watched me struggling and struggling and finally told me to just lift my shoulders off the ground as far as I could and hold it....ah well it's a start. Zander thought I was nuts! He told me to "just do them like Dad"...I decided one sit up is a worth goal for May. I was going to say 1,000 sit ups in May - thankfully I'd not taken the time to make that ticker...because I can't do ONE.

I'd like to find a little country bike or exercise lady for my ticker but can't find it...well I have time it will take time to do those 500 miles. {G}