Sunday, April 30, 2006


While out on the bike this a.m. I saw a full-fledged cat fight! Wow. I am not sure I'd really ever seen one like this before. Two big furry cats...going at it "tooth and nail". They were making an ungodly amount of noise and mess. Fur was flying. They were expending a tremendous amount of energy and were rolling and jumping all over the yard....but they weren't going anywhere "purposeful". Everyone was giving them a wide berth.

As I rode on, I chuckled to myself. Mike has often teased me about my passion for mentoring, and leading women's ministry. He says I like to "herd cats". His cryptic comment began to make more sense to me....

Then I got very sad as I realized that far to often we ladies do tend to allow our relationships to shrink to nothing more than cat fights. We make a lot of noise, we refuse to co-operate, we make a giant mess, we exert a ton of energy but we accomplish nothing meaningful for the kingdom, we begin to repel instead of attract others...all because we do not let God be GOD in our relationships.

I made a new resolve to avoid cat fights this a.m. - of all kinds. Care to join me in avoiding cat fights? {G}

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