Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Quick updates:

The quail is still living. He didn’t like the starter mash. A retiree at the chapel who is a farmer/rancher said that they always started chicks on boiled eggs. We boiled an egg and he at like he was starving….quite perky little fellow. Cute too – I’ll take picture later.

Vacation – spent 5 hours yesterday getting us booked into CAMP SITES! Can you believe that???? Where are the days where you got in your car, drove out to the woods and found an isolated spot to camp? Of course most places do have at least an outhouse and some even have showers now…so progress has it’s advantages. {g} We thought this time of year that we’d have the campgrounds to ourselves…but it seems that everyone goes camping in April in this part of the country…at least the retirees and the homeschoolers, I guess.

Honey – I finally met the honey couple. I bought 2 gal of honey this time. They had a ton of samples for me to try. I only found one or two varieties that I didn’t care for. I’m using honey as our main sweetener these days. I’m baking all cookies and snacks from scratch – so I’m using more honey than I ever thought possible.

Library – After the honey stop I headed for the library to pick up books for the next month. I used to HATE using the library for school but that was because I had a LIST and felt I needed the exact book on the list to use the curriculum. With Tapestry of Grace being subject specific I’m free from that tyranny. {bg} I have found it best to go online and search out some choices, head to the library and find those while scanning the areas nearby for other treasures and check out enough to last at LEAST 3 weeks. I try to do it by the unit. Then I can renew them three times so I can have all the books for each unit here at home until the unit is over. I can survive with one library trip per unit….and we drop books off as we are done with them. It’s working.

New Unit - We are starting a few weeks on Queen Victoria and the Victorian era this week. Our library didn’t have a lot of books on QV but I was able to find great stuff on the TOG website. We’ll rely on those websites. I also was able to use “All Through the Ages” and find some historical biographies to fit into the time period….that the library had. We’re good to go

Taxes - We got the taxes done Sunday night. I’m going to be working on the girls – soon. They would have done them but since the government sent their info HERE I’ll just do it this year.

SAGE Co-op – Yesterday was the deadline for online ordering. I sent out a reminder and need to work on my order today and download the groups’ orders and get that sent in. I’m doing it early as we are going to be gone when it’s due.

That’s it for Monday.

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