Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Retraction of Sorts....

Previously, I mentioned that I was totally frustrated with the tortured interpretations of two studies in which I was participating. First - I want to say, as I mentioned last week, that both studies DO have good points. Both studies HAVE encouraged me to walk closer to Jesus.

Now - here's the retraction. In my entry I may have given you the impression that I think that we can't "know" what is doctrinally correct. That was NOT my intention. I believe there are things we can KNOW. I also believe that it is possible for us to THINK we know more than we do. {g}

ALL Scripture is inspired by God. What bothers me is when we so desperately want things in neat little boxes that we are willing to overlook the Scriptures that weaken our stance or that explain why others have a different stance. As I've learned to study the Word inductively, there have been several areas where I've had to say, "Hmm.....there are solid arguments on both side of this fence". At that piont, I think we need to hold these things in balance and let God reveal to us in His time how it fits....and those are the things that I think we may not understand until we get HIS perspective on how all the pieces of the puzzle fit.

I do believe we can know truth. I do believe that there are rights and wrongs. I just am heart broken because I know so many who have been totally turned off and pushed away from CHRIST because Christians had made their CONVICTIONS more a litmus for fellowship than a belief in Christ. I know folks who were pushed away from God because Christians communicate "if you want to be a Christian you'll have to do x, y, z" (vote a certain way, educate a certain way, treat animals a certain way, parent a certain way, eat a certain way, dress a certain way, wear your hair a certain way, have a certain number of children.....and the list goes on and on). I've had friends say "If I have to do x, y or z to be a Christian - I don't want to be a Christian". This saddens me. Jesus ate with sinners. Jesus partied with sinners. Jesus loved sinners. Jesus condemned the pharisees and partied with the sinners. We condemn the sinners and party with the pharisees. Yes...Jesus spoke truth but He did it with grace. We give the impression that a person must get all gussied up before they can attempt to know Christ....and that saddens me greatly.

I have STRONGLY held CONVICTIONS. I share them when asked. My life speaks of my convictions without me ever opening my mouth. I simply don't want my convictions to make others think they have to look just like me to be a Christian....because looking like me was NOT the goal of Christ coming to earth as a man and giving His life for my salvation.

Hope that helps to clear up any misconceptions.

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