Thursday, May 25, 2006

Arielle's Mr Gatti Party

Ater re-scheduling three times we finally had a party! {G} It really did turn out to be a blessing that it was in the evening. It was much more fun to have entire families attend. Unfortunately, there was also a daycare and several baseball teams celebrating at Mr. Gatti's last night - so it was busy! Very busy! I get overwhelmed with the noise and such in the game room.

The party was all that Arielle had hoped for. Below are a few pictures.

It's hard to believe that Arielle is 9 years old. Life has sure changed for us a LOT since her birth. I was pregnant with her when Mike went into the Air Force chaplaincy. Since then we moved from a small town in Montana to Great Falls, MT, San Antonio, TX, Anchorage, AK, and now back in TX. My dear Uncle died on the day that Arielle was born. That always leads to thoughts of Uncle Bill and Grams on her birthday. Those thoughts are becoming sweeter with each year and less of the bitter/sweet thing.

The Queen

Cy & Stacia

Finally - Bumper Cars!

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