Saturday, May 06, 2006


I was busily uploading pictures to the blog when Mike called me.
Jamin had gone out for a bike ride. YIKES. He was doing something that men do with bikes…not sure I quite understand what but it involves pumping fast, jumping and wind….and his front wheel fell off. He’s hurting for sure. I was helping….but he’s covered with wounds and so Dad and he are inspecting…..

I am going to have to rethink this bike challenge Mike has me on. I wonder if he took out extra insurance on me....I won't go nearly as fast on the roller coaster hill again....OUCH. Mike told Jamin, "Mom is just so sedate on her bike"....I guess if being rowdy means loosing a few pints of blood; sedate is good! YUCK.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is OUCHIE!!! Hope he heals quickly!

Jen in Az.

becky.onelittle said...

Ian's laughing.. and his only comment is 'Fun, hehehee'

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

OK - I did NOT put the gory pictures on because we thought it might be to much blood and gore for a family site.

Today he headed for church and bled through the shirt he was wearing - had to change before we got there. Poor young man.

The sight of him did prompt John Schreir, an avid bike rider to share the stories of his falls with Jamin. {bg}