Thursday, October 12, 2006


I’ll admit that I’m feeling “just a tad bit” sorry for myself this evening. The military has an international organization that encompasses all the services (Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines I think). It’s called Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC). Yeah, I know, it’s not the catchiest name around, but PWOC IS cutting edge in women’s ministry. Every two years we have a convention. THIS October is the convention. I was planning to attend. NOTHING would keep me away….but then Mike deployed. When we knew he was deploying we began to talk about having my Mom or someone come out to watch the kids. It’s only a weekend. Then, Mike actually deployed and I have a 4 yo who thinks “he’ll never see me” every time I leave the house (not to mention a one year old and five others still at home). Tonight I opened the mail and found an invitation to three fabulous leadership workshops that will be going on at the convention. They sound so inviting…but I know this is where I need to be. I’m “satisfied” with KNOWING this is where I need to be…but I’m a tad bit sad because many of my friends have been emailing to ask if I’ll be there. It would be such a pick me up….but for this season, it is not meant to be. So….I’ll stay home and pray for the leaders and participants…. and try not to feel very jealous when they all begin talking of the friends they ran into, the things God taught them and the fun they had in the hotel. There’s always 2008!!!


Jodi said...

awww that's hard. Even when you know it's not meant to be that doesn't make a dissapointment like this any easier.

Anonymous said...

You've probably already thought of this one, but would it be possible to take some of the kids with you to hang out in the hotel at the pool, etc? I know it's hard to know that the wants and needs don't match. You'll have to rent a really good movie for that weekend and do something really special with the kids so that it's a great weekend that you wouldn't have missed for the world. :)

Renee said...

{{{{{{DeEtta}}}}} I understand where you are coming from. The European MCCW conference is the week after we get back from vacation so Scott can't take leave to watch the kids. I don't want to leave them in daycare every day after school...... so I will miss out on this great opportunity. I really wish they had done it as a weekend event and not a Mon-Friday event.

Anonymous said...

Sis: Is there any way you can get tapes of the meetings, worship and etc? Know it's not the best but for over 24 years that is how we kept up with conventions etc. It helped some.

Love Ya

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


There - we feel each other's pain. There is something so special about meeting up with friends from past assignments at these things....and the workshops, worship and speakers are always so good.

This will be the first convention that has international PWOC joining with US other words we merged in the past year to become ONE group.

Is MCCW (Catholic women's group for those not military) already one big group or do you have a European group and a Stateside group?