Sunday, October 22, 2006

Quips or Quotes

Jared (12) - Upon hearing that we were going to watch *Nicholas and Alexandra*: "Is this another one of those OLD 1990's Chick Flicks??? :::snort::: 90's old? I'm ancient I tell you.

Jamin (15) - After watching the above mentioned movie: "Have you ever noticed that there is a bad wife behind every tyrannt?" Ummm...I took offense to his comment. He began to give me examples....Ahab, Louie the whatever, Charles, Nicholas, Hitler (mistress)....All RIGHT already! Of course this is making me think of the importance of being a Godly Helpmate....but I'm not ready to type that up. I need to go work on I John. However, since my computer has crashed I have no where to store my 1/2 formed thoughts...and if I don't put them somewhere...they leak out. :::snort:::


Lisa in Jax said...

LOL Good thing you didn't get a movie from the 80's!!! I'm sure those are so outdated as to be completely

And a very wise thought from Jamin. He needs to remember this when he's looking for a potential

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

:::snort::: I tell them not to make too much fun of MY generation because their generation is COPYING us...retro being recycled 70's. LOL

You can bet my mind ran exactly where your's did...pick a good one son. LOL

Anonymous said...