Thursday, November 16, 2006

This and That

OK - I went shopping early in the a.m. and again this afternoon.

I had a doctor's appointment.

We did some school...all but our Thanksgiving book.

I went for my annual appointment.

The boys had House of Faith.

I typed up all the details that Adrienne and I have been talking on produce co-op so that everyone can easily see what is going on...always good to have principles in writing.

I switched electric companies. bill would have been $130 cheaper last month with this company. I KNEW ours was high but everyone kept saying it was the cheapest. TX has lots of little companies so you can shop for the cheapest KWH. Well it was pre KWH but they had a HUGE "fuel charge" they taked on which made them one of the costliests...yes...still trying to trim the budget. LOL This is a big trim....

I fed the kids. I refuse to say WHAT. ::snort::

I tried to return phone calls. I did talk to Mom and Dad.

I discovered a teacher's store - one I've driven by hundreds of times but I had no IDEA it was this huge. I spent a chunk of change but got lots of great things I will begin using tomorrow. LOL

I continue to listen to *Grace Based Parenting* as I drive around town....this is a mixed blessing. More on that when I review the book. {G}

We read more from *Peter Pan* ... we are loving the vocabulary and getting a huge kick out of some of the off the cuff comments the author makes.

Stacia seems to be waiting up for Cy to get home from work these evenings.....and then we realized he comes home bearing Chicken Nuggets. ::snort::

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You sure manage to pack a lot into one day. Makes me feel like a sluggard! Oh well, high speed is just not my make up...slow and steady, slow and steady.