Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thursday -

Cy bought a new, for him, Toby Mac CD - "Momentum". He's "really likin it".

Jamin and Jared had House of Faith today.

I drove Adrienne to pick up her car and visited for a bit in the parking lot of HoF while we waited for the boys to show up. That was fun.

School - we are enjoying a book we are reading on Norman Rockwell. This is making me think I need to get a big book of Norman Rockwell prints like Chuck and Kathy in OR had...or buy a few prints of paintings like my Mom has...LOL We watched a netflix movie - *American Experience: The Orphan Trains*.

Parenting - Stacia is still "off" but certainly better.

Kitchen - tried another pie crust again - this time for Chicken Pot Pie. It was better but I'm not sure I'll ever get whole wheat pie crust to be as good as my previous pie crusts. LOL I'll keep trying.

Jared and Jamin read chapters from Peter Pan for us tonight. Arielle and I continue working on the names from last year's Thanksgiving celebration. We will NOT let Zander get loose with a pen this year. LOL It was fun to embroider Nolan's name and see the improvement he's made in a year. Last year it was big letters and MoAn....this year I'm sure he'll get it closer....

We had a good laugh about Mrs. Darling rummaging in her children's minds after they went to sleep...think I'll go try some rummaging.

Stacia is in bed...and I'm going to head there too.


Emily said...

You need the rest De'Etta! I pray that sweet Stacia sleep through the night so that you can too!
Emily :-)

Anonymous said...

De'Etta, how do you make ww pie crust? That is one concern I am having!

I sent my step-mom a link at Amazon for both the Wondermill and the Nutrimill. I wonder what she'll do :) Now, to find a place to order grains....
