Thursday, November 09, 2006

We have a diagnosis...

As all good military families we have a copies of *Take Care of Yourself* and *Take Care of Your Child*. I suspect these are given to us so that we don't overrun the clinics by taking advantage of our *free* medical care. BTW it's not *free* - it's an employment benefit and is EARNED....anyWAY.....

Stacis is COVERED in little red dots today....I believe she has roseola. She has followed the classic course in the book and they say "home treatment" is our option. They also say it's contagious when they have the fever. Jared (12 yo) is paranoid about getting it...and jumping away from her when she walks in. She obviously thinks something is very strange with him. I've explained that as near as I can tell you are not contagious with the rash but with the fever.....

She didn't sleep all night again last night....{sigh} but no fever today at all. One "i" tooth popping through. 3 still bulging.

I got the bills paid, package wrapped and we'll work on school this afternoon...if I don't fall asleep. LOL
Ok, you can't really see the dots on her back and arms...but folks love pictures and this is the only thing happening in our home right now. ::snort:: BTW she THINKS we are all CRAZY....Jared backing away from her, Mom wanting pictures of her back...what next????


Lisa in Jax said...

Poor little girl! I was wondering if she was going to get spots with her unexplained fever. I'll pray that no one else gets it, especially poor paranoid I know how he feels, nothing like spotted kids running around in your



Jen said...

Jessica had roseola when she was little. She always screamed when she was sick with a rash! I hope Stacia is not screaming!

Also, I think that it is rare for older people to get Roseola. So Jared is probably safe. :-)

Jen said...

Just checked my info on Roseola since it has been about 10 yrs since we dealt with it, but yes it is mostly babies under 2 or 3 who get it. I would be suprised if Jared caught it!

Debbie said...

Poor little dear. Hopefully the fever will not come back and the rash will subside quickly.

Jodi said...

Oh sick and teething, tha's got to be hard. Glad you know what you're dealing with now. LOL about Jared. My oldest is like that when he knows that someone he's around is sick. It can be quite comical.

Anonymous said...

HI: 11 boxes on their way to you all and 1 to Mike. Will say more in a regular email.

Poor Stacia! If her rash gets to itching try a baking soda paste all over the rash> :) She will really thing you are strange if you do that.