Thursday, November 23, 2006

Turkey's stuffed and baking, extra pan of stuffing is good to go, potatoes are sliced and ready to boil, green salad and fruit salad are made. Rolls and Gooey Cake to go. More pies than we'll ever eat. Cookies made. Conspicuously absent....colored jello and pudding (non- FG). LOL

Since it's "only family" by children decree this year, they chose the menu....also missing are Sweet Potatoes of any sort, cranberries, geen bean salad, veggie plates, appetizers, CELERY STICKS, or garlic potatoes (Krista LOVES those). ::snort:: It was funny to see just how simple a Thanksgiving meal can be.

Oh yes....still need to pull out the fancy dishes and such....fancy as in "matched". LOL


Cynthia said...

Sounds like you were up early! We finished everything yesterday except rolling out the rolls which we'll do after the kids get up so they can help me. They LOVE to play in the bread dough. I will stick the ham in the oven in a few hours.

Debbie said...

Great job! You are up and ready. I just finished up my pies, and the rolls will go in soon. We are having dinner with my parents, so I don't have to cook a whole meal.

Renee said...

I love you thoughts about the good dishes. Theresa (8yo) was in awe that I had set the table with all breakable dishes
It was almost just us but yesterday afternoon our priest took us up on our invite... but he only stayed about an hour (long enough to eat)

Diann said...

Okay, I need instructions on how to do the cool cursor.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Diann - click on the obnoxious icon at the left hand of my blog title....that's all there is to it. LOL


Lisa in Jax said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Diann said...

Either I am losing it or there is no icon at the left hand of your blog title. It just says "Choosing Joy".


Diann said...

Never mind, I finally saw the icon. For some reason it doesn't show up on my main computer, but does on my laptop.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Diann - do you use the same browser on both? I've discovered that different computers and different browsers will do that.

Diann said...

I have the same browser (IE7) on both. I do have the beta yahoo toolbar on the one that can't see the cursor icon, but I don't know why that would make the difference. Oh well, I made it work.
