Saturday, December 23, 2006

Blogger Question

So, Blogger Beta is dead and new Blogger lives....did anyone else have the "add element" button disappear from the layout/page element page? I can remove things...but I can't add new links, photos etc via the "add element" page. Any suggestions? Also, my dog tag in the side bar disappeared. LOL


Heather said...

Hmmm, I still have the add element on mine & I still see your dog tag when I view your page. Nothing looks any different. I think I might know what you did. When you went to sign in, did you push new blogger or old blogger? I bet if you pushed old blogger, it took you to your old blogger environment. Try clicking new blogger & signing in that way.
If that doesn't work, I don't know.

Cynthia said...

My edit page still looks the same.

Diann said...

I still have the add element button on mine, but uploading pictures has been spotty lately.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

When I go to it brings it up - I don't sign in says blogger/beta so I think that's the same....

I don't see the dog tag on any of my computers and it's not on the element page - so I wonder why you are seeing it.

I get to the add page element page....but then it doesn't have any spots for adding...I wondered if I'd added a max or something...but Cindy has way more in her side bar than I that doesn't make simply isn't there.

I checked my other blog and it's the same thing.....

Heather said...

I sign in by first going to my blog from my favorites list, then click login & that is why I see new blogger / old blogger.
Everything looks as it should from here.

Jen said...

I don't see your dogtag, but I do have "add an element".

Kristine said...

Late in responding, but when I have had troubles with my blog (page won't load correctly, or my newest post doesn't seem to be there), I empty my cache and all is finally well . . .