Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I didn't even know they made such things. Josiah came home from work with this last night. Mandy had dropped by Chick Fil A and asked him to bring this to his Mom. Thanks, Mandy, again!

Wow! You type in an item - chocolate chip cookie - for instance and up pops the fat, carbs, protein and calories! This should make it easier for me to have a realistic view of what I'm eating. I thought a cookie was 250 calories or so....but it's only 45 - 60....and I make mine small AND I use all organic, fresh ground flour etc....they must be GOOD for me. ::snort::

I HAD begun to wonder if there were programs to do such a thing for a PDA - but those of you who know my PDA saga know that I have a love/hate relationship with it. I can have a pure love relationship with this little gizmo. ::snort::


Cynthia said...

That's a VERY COOL gadget.

And, speaking of healthy snacks. I made some rice krispy treats tonight, but instead of the rice krispies I used whole bran something or other. Granted, it still had butter and marshmellows, but at least the bran was fiber and healty! One step at a time, right? Sad thing is I only used it because I was out of rice krispies... oh well... it's still a start.

Anonymous said...

I agree. That's a VERY COOL gadget!

Anonymous said...

Sis: Goodness! Guess what I am going to be looking for next time I am shopping??? That is a super neat gadget and do we ever need it.
